Camping is a great activity whatever the weather, however being without the comfort of your own bed can cause problems for your back.

Don’t let pain stop you from enjoying your trip:

Before going…

  • Pack a number of small bags rather than one large one, to spread the weight of the load
  • Park as close to the campsite as possible
  • Make sure you stretch before you start pitching your tent

Make sure to plan your activities in advance. During the evening make sure you’ve got a good table and chairs, this will allow you to avoid slouching over your plate. And make sure you keep your stove at a reasonable height.

Preparing your sleeping area:

  • Remove any hazards such as rocks, stones, twigs etc. which may dig in to your spine
  • Sleep sensibly keeping your spine in a straight line
  • Make a sure you’ve brought a pillow to support your neck
  • It is important to ensure you’ve got water to hand as it’s important to stay hydrated during the night

What you need to pack to support your back:

  • Supportive mat to lay your seeping bag on
  • Trusted sleeping bag that will keep you warm over night
  • A pillow – you can even bring two, one to put under your head and one under your knees
  • A bottle of water
  • Supportive folding chairs

Most importantly – make sure to get any niggles or pains checked with your chiropractor before you go