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Good Bye Jenny!!!!

On Saturday night we said fair well to our wonderful clinic manager Jenny at her retirement do.

Jenny has been at the Newport clinic for 10 years. During her time at the clinic she has seen and implemented many changes, made many friends and created some fantastic memories!

Jenny started her time at the clinic in 2008 […]

By |January 27th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Take Care of Your Back at Work

An NHS study revealed that half of us are affected by back pain, and 8 million working days are lost due to work-related back pain each year.  Not to worry there are many ways to avoid and ease back pain when working:

Be aware of your posture; when standing try to distribute your weight evenly across the […]

By |January 24th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Avoid Back Pain While Flying This Summer Holidays

Anyone how is a frequent flier will be quick to tell you that long-haul flights don’t do anything to help aches and pains, but they don’t have to be a complete pain in the back!

Cramped leg room, uncomfortable seating and being confined to a small space are all the aspects of long-haul flights which people […]

By |July 28th, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Take Care When Doing DIY

It is estimated that there are approximately 200,000 D.I.Y accidents each year in the UK.

Although being active around the home can help your overall fitness levels it is always important to ensure you are not over stretching and possibly causing yourself injury.

DIY accidents in the home can cause accidents that can often be easily avoided


How […]

By |July 21st, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Are You A Joint Cracker?

Many people cringe at the sound of knuckles, elbows and other joints cracking. For years, experts have debated whether or not this common cracking could cause joint problems.

It has recently been confirmed that this ‘popping’ is due to a small bubble forming between your joints. The bubble forms when your joints move apart, forming a […]

By |June 26th, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments